Thursday, June 12, 2008

Gassy dog

My dog woke us again last night - hubby took him out, but he just peed and then upon return, waited for a snack. And the he came up on the bed, put his head on hubby again and so out they went again. Did I mention this was at 2:30am? My turn at bat came next at 3am. Once again, he didn't do anything but sniff around. I was pretty sure he had gas and he was stomach was giving him some grief. Apparently, DH gave him an extra scoop of dog food earlier that night. He's been eating a variety of foods this week, so we just need to be careful getting him back to his regular overpriced dog food.

I ended up laying down beside him on the living room rug until he fell asleep. By this morning, the stinking haze in my bedroom confirmed my suspicion of brimstone percolating in his ass, and when we reached the park, and unloaded his burden, he was as right as rain again. Sorry, I hope the tourists forgive me.


Guera! said...

oh this had me laughing....

dmarie said...

I'm so glad he's feeling better :)