Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The meeting that changed my life

Well, I guess I could tell you all about my weekend with my old friends. The day they arrived I pulled a back muscle lifting the dog off the bed cause I thought she was going to throw up. Now I felt old. Swell, but one of those heat wraps fixed that. We had an amazing time, but with all the sightseeing, drinking, eating and walking, I had absolutely zero personal time, which in hindsight was fortunate. I needed the distraction. It was great seeing my old friend from university and besides her and her husband running a successful business, they haven't changed a bit. Still warm, genuine and funny. Got to see lots of pictures of their grown girls. Wow, we're the same age, but they married young and had kids right away. It seems like a lifetime ago I was at her wedding with my doofus boyfriend stepping in to help her cause her maid of honour sucked. She made fun of me cause I didn't remember some stuff, but honestly, I've lead a fairly active life and met thousands of people. I don't remember stuff unless it was particularly happy or sad or a grudge. Okay, and I drank a lot, so what. She even remembered my birthday, holy cow. I like never remember people's birthdays, it's a chronic fault of mine.

I love entertaining out of towners, but in the last few weeks we have spent a small fortune without realizing we had lawyers in our immediate future. I did tell them where we were going but not why. By the time I had dropped them off, I realized I felt like absolute shit. As in coming down with something. My whole body felt sandbagged. I went home and consumed vitamin C in large quantities and anti viral elixirs and topped it off with Tylenol cold capsules for good measure. Nyquil was my nightcap drink. Lo and behold, I was feeling pretty good when I got up at dawn.


I'm a little shell-shocked. Or calm, I can't decide which. It's a little like a really great first date and now you hope the rest of the long distance courtship goes well.


Anonymous said...

wow. just. wow. this post is overflowing with love and generosity and gratitude and connection. i am holding all of you in light right now as you embark on the next step.

KLTTX said...

That is great news. I hope that things continue to go well.

Beautiful Mess said...

Oh sweetie! I've got chills and I'm all misty-eyed here. I'm so glad it went well. Sending you lots of love and lots of peace.

Barely Sane said...

Holy shit... this is AWESOME!!!

My belly is in knots for you guys. Fingers & toes crossed!

Wordgirl said...


When I got to the part where she revealed her father counseling her about the daimoku I had tears streaming down my face. Good tears. Truly. Truly.

My heart is so open and sending the best thoughts out to the universe for all of you my friend. My heart is just filled with joy right now.

I have to believe, when I hear stories like this, that there is something larger in this world that guides us, no matter how unknowable the journey seems at times.

Wow. And November. November is a very good month -- that' s just a feeling I have...

SO much love to you...



loribeth said...

Oh. My. Dare I say this match seems meant to be??

I am SO HAPPY for you, my friend, & I will cross my fingers & send some positive vibes that these four months will pass quickly & uneventfully!

annacyclopedia said...

I can't stop crying. I really, really can't. Like sobbing and laughing and snot and tears everywhere. When I got to the part about her dad asking her to chant daimoku before the meeting, I just lost it. And I carefully read every word of this post, but the tears of joy are not stopping.

I've never been happier for anyone else, ever, in my entire life.

I know it's still early, but it just sounds so right for all of you. You and DH and the birth mother and this little boy - you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

My sweet friend, if all goes as smoothly as I hope and pray and think it will, you and I will have babies at the same time. Imagine that.

All my love to you.

OHN said...

I read each line slowly, like a great book whose plot was unfolding. I so wanted the good guys (you) to win.

I cannot even imagine how long 4 months seems to you right now, but it will pass quickly and that puzzle piece that has been missing will arrive, plop into place and you will one day know what led you to this particular place.

I can tell you that with certainty because it happened with me. Now I know why we became parents to our first son. Everything aligned perfectly and happened as it should.

I am very happy for you!!

sharah said...

Awesome! I am so, so hoping that this works out and nothing goes awry :)

Guera! said...

My heart is so full for you right now. My thoughts will be with you in the months to come. I am so emotional for you. This was wonderful news to read. Beautiful. Just beautiful.

Mrs.X said...

It was a long time coming, but I can tell that it was so worth the wait. I am so happy for you and your husband. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story with us.

Mrs.X said...

It has taken such a long time, but I can tell that it was worth the wait. What a wonderful, wonderful new beginning. All my best wishes go to you.

K said...

SO happy for you!!!! blessings

Erin said...

I am so truly happy for you. This post made me feel warm and fuzzy. I cried, I "awwwed", it's just perfect! Wow, I don't even know how to express myself because I'm so darn happy to see to deserving people find such a wonderful gift.

Michelle said...

Thank you so much for updating us. This sounds so good . . . I am sending positive thoughts that this all turns out what is best for all concerned.

Congratulations on reaching this exciting first step. :)


Shinejil said...

Your beautiful words filled me with profound joy, especially as you embraced the idea of a son, one raised and supported with your husband. It was deeply moving.

I hope that the next few months--and far far beyond--continue to yield profound happiness.

chicklet said...

Holy moly, that's just freaking awesome! No matter where it goes, it's just so positive to even HAVE an experience like this - yay! I'm so hoping this works out:-)

Lori Lavender Luz said...

I am so happy to read all of this, after all your waiting.

Sounds like a lovely match, as perfect as can be. May you and this woman continue to build a strong and trusting relationship.

JW Moxie said...

I have chills. I completely lost it when I read that you both said the same prayer just before meeting. I'm so happy for you!

areyoukiddingme said...

Amazing - I'm so glad you were able to connect with her. I hope the next 4 months pass quickly and you will soon be holding your little boy.

Christy said...

I wish you all of the best on this roller coaster of a journey. You have summed it up perfectly comparing it to a first date and a long distance relationship. I know it's easy to try to hold back out of fear, however, speaking from experience, I wasn't able to hold back. Luckily, everything worked out and I can remember the waiting time fondly. I hope the same for you . . . that you fully invest yourself (even while knowing things may not work out), that everything works out, and that you can remember fondly this time, and the tears that come from remembering will all be tears of joy.

Michele said...

Congratulations on your new son! What wonderful news!

luna said...

so very wonderful! I also got chills when I read that her father chants daimoku too. wow.

M and I are sending you much love and light as you enter this next phase of waiting... it is so hard and filled with wonderful anticipation at the same time.


WannabeMommy said...

Your post gave me chills. This sounds like such a beautiful beginning! I will be praying for you...