Monday, January 28, 2008

Good news!

Just got back from my breast ultrasound. It's just a cyst. I can't believe they even told me, I was prepared to wait to hear back from the doctor, but they told me. I'm so relieved! Yeah, I was a bit worried. My life has been so full of major disappointments and setbacks, I was not prepared for another one. As I told the news to my husband as we left, tears flooded my eyes. Today is the day my dear friend is undergoing surgery to remove cancer from her lymph nodes. I'm fine, but she's not. Yet. 3 years later, she's still fighting for her life.

I've had more good news today. I got not one, but two phone calls from the adoption agency for a boy to be born in March and one in July. My head was spinning. I haven't even completed a final version of our adoption profile. The homestudy has yet to be signed off by the adoption agency. I haven't even done the birth mother letter yet. Yikes. But hubby is totally gung-ho about it. We still have a couple of marriage counselling sessions to go to though. I guess I'd be jumping for joy, but for the fact that the security I used to feel in my marriage has been shaken. And as much as I'm ready to make changes to address my husband's needs, I'm now ready to have my own needs addressed. My health issues have been quite minor compared to a lot of people's, but it has taught me to not take life for granted. If you want happiness in this world, you have to go out there and grab it!

At my Buddhist discussion group last night, someone shared this incredible experience and it gave me so much hope. It was about determining to get what you want, no matter how lofty the goal. That's what I will do.


Anonymous said...

That's all wonderful news! Congratulations.

Pamela T. said...

What a wonderful, wonderful set of announcements coming your way. All so richly deserved. So glad it was only a cyst. And baby boys in the mix. I'm just beaming on your behalf and hoping that everything sorts in the way you wish.

Wishing, too, that your friend has successful surgery. Sending good thoughts her way.

Wordgirl said...

It is all wonderful news!

I haven't been checking blogs for quite awhile...but it's so wonderful to check back in and see things unfolding so beautifully.

Teendoc said...

That is such great news! Are you comfortable with where things stand with your marriage to consider adopting now? I so hope that your dreams come true!

loribeth said...

I thought I responded to this; guess not. Just wanted to say I'm so glad to hear ALL your news!!

Natalie said...

Thank god on the cyst, but how are you getting calls already if the profile's not done? What have you done or who have you been good to that it's going so fast? And I mean that in an excited way for you, but I just thought these things went so slow?