Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Bits and Pieces

We were in Cosco on the weekend and I picked up a Baby Einstein flash card set for our friend's baby boy. And as I was browsing through the kids book, hubby says" Why don't we stock up?". I say, "Are you teasing me?" "No", he replies a bit indignantly. "No, not yet" I say. And move on to the adult book section.

Got a birth announcement in my email last night. Another trip to the store for a new baby something. Another moment where I will think about buying "extra". I feel cautious. Should I be making up a baby room? Collecting bits and pieces? This is weird. We've got two weddings this summer that we have to fly to, I have no idea when our life will change, how does one plan for this? What if we're getting ready to leave to go to Europe and we get a call that leads to a meeting? Yeah, I know, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Maybe I should paint the 2nd bedroom... maybe I should get some baby clothes... maybe it's time to hope again. Maybe getting the bits and pieces will nudge the universe into the right direction. Mmmmm.


sharah said...

My advice: if there's something special or unique that you MUST have, go ahead and buy it. Otherwise, each time you see something that you think you might want, go home write down what it was and where you found it, then put away the money that it would take to buy it. That way, when the call comes, you have a list that you can take and quickly pick up what you need (and the money to spend!).

Guera! said...

I have been told so many times by nurses and friends that booking a very expensive vacation is almost a guarantee that you'll get pregnant before you go.

Pamela T. said...

While I fully appreciate the power of positive thinking, I'm personally a bit cautious -- okay, superstitious -- about having too many baby things in the house ahead of time. Just me, but feel free to ignore these thoughts since I don't recall you asking for advice either.

Shinejil said...

Maybe it is time to think about buying something extra, taking those small yet huge steps.

One View said...

Hmm this is such a personal decision. When I first started TTC, I'd received baby stuff from people before I was even preggo(friends just knew I'd always be a mom) and I collected some things for myself as well. Than I started having such bad luck with IF that I got rid of it all two years ago. We gave it away to people with kids and I have no baby stuff left and probably never will until it actually happens. So personally I'm with PJ... I'm cautious and superstitious as well. But I've heard of many people buy things and it happened soon after. Sorry I'm not sure if I helped.

Guera! said...

I liked Sharah's suggestions!