Monday, January 12, 2009

100 words - instructions included!

Born wanting to speak. Chatted my way through nap time in kindergarten. Wanting to be heard and understood. Tried to interpret the silent and seething emotions at home. I was the middle child, the peacemaker, the smart and social one. I pretended that my real family was coming to get me one day. I daydreamed and I wrote. And instead of choosing a respectable profession, I became an actress. I struggled, I endured, I waited for me to notice myself. Couldn’t find the map. Then I found love. And daimoku. Grief created a new me. I wonder who she’ll be.

(Teendoc challenged me to this exercise. Damn, it's harder than you think.) Who wants to try?

Describe your entire life in a single paragraph of 100 words. No more than 100 and no less than 100. It must be exactly 100 words


Anonymous said...

You forgot to tell your posters what the exercise was!

Great job! It tells me so much. Please post in my comments. I want them for posterity. I think I've managed to fix them finally.

luna said...

I LOVE this. I've been trying to consider how and when I will take the challenge.

OHN said...

It IS hard. I had to keep tweaking plus and minus 10 words. It is weird to put your life into just 100 about being insignificant!

loribeth said...

As my boss/editor will tell you, I constantly struggle to stay within word limits. I was always the kid at school who, when the teacher assigned a paragraph, would turn in a six-page story. ; ) I did 100 words on Bridges last fall about 9-11 -- but with the full, no-holds-barred version on my own blog. It was tough! And to summarize an entire life in 100 words -- ??? My hat is off to you for doing it!

annacyclopedia said...

I absolutely love this! So much so that I copied it already. Your radiant heart shines through so beautifully in so few words.

Guera! said...

You used your 100 words very well!

Anonymous said...

that was a lot of fun, just next time don't make it one line that would be hard.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

I love it.

Especially this: "I waited for me to notice myself."

I wonder why we wait so long.